03. Text Editors

Exploring your options

Text Editors

The program used to open HTML documents is a browser.

The program used to create HTML documents is a text editor. Text editors are used to both create and modify many types of documents, among them HTML. There is also a set of more advanced text editors, called Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), with more extensive features.

The tool you choose as your text editor is pretty important, since it allows you to take advantage of modern technologies and code faster.

Hello World Example

<p>Hello World!</p>

This code is written with a text editor.

You can see the tags <p> and </p> that stand for paragraph.

When opened by a browser, these tags are not displayed but rather interpreted by the browser

The browser sees the <p> and </p> tags and understands that Hello World is a paragraph.

Remember that an HTML document can be opened in 2 ways:

  1. by a text editor who sees the source code
  2. by a browser who interprets the source code


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